sábado, junho 20, 2020

WVD in Azure

The post contains the steps to deploy WVD ( Windows Virtual Desktop) in Azure.

You need:
Get you Azure subscription ID;
Get your Tenant ID;

I will use Active directory domain service with Azure Ad Connect.

Go to:
And Consent for Client and Server using your Global administrator account.
Check on your Azure AD in Enterprise Application you must have Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows Virtual Desktop client.

Go to Azure Portal - Enterprise Application - Windows Virtual Desktop and give the role TenantCreator for the user that you want to create the Tenant for WVD.

In your Server ( In my case the domain controller) install the module RDPowerShell

>Install-module -name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell

Add the account and use the user\password with has permission (Tenant Creation, Step 3)

>Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl "https://rdbroker.wvd.microsoft.com"

Create your Tenant
>New-RdsTenant -Name MaykonWVD -AadTenantId yourTenantID -AzureSubscriptionId yourSubscriptionID

The next steps you can do using PowerShell or Azure portal.
Azure Portal - Look for Windows Virtual Desktop - Provision a host pool


The user wvd@maykonrds.site is a Active Directory user (Sync with Ad connect)
Create and use the settings that fit for you.

Configure the machine settings\vmsize and next.
The user maykon is a member of my Active directory domain and has permission to join Vms to the domain. I have a domain controller on the virtual network wvd-net ( The Domain controller is the default DNS provider for that virtual network)


You can check the information about your tenant in the Vm that you install the Powershell RDS module. The command:

The installation take a few minutes.

To give the permission to user wvd@maykonrds.site
> Add-RdsAppGroupUser maykonWVD wvdpool "Desktop Application Group" -UserPrincipalName wv@maykonrds.site

The Web Client