segunda-feira, junho 13, 2022

Gsuite to Microsoft 365 - Error creating endpoint Looks like you do not have permission

I was working on migration and when I tried to create an endpoint I got:

"Error creating endpoint. Looks like you do not have permission".

I tested the communication using the Test-MigrationServerAvailability cmdlets and I got access denied.


>Test-MigrationServerAvailability -Gmail -ServiceAccountKeyFileData $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\\Users\\Maykon\\Downloads\\office365migration.json")) -EmailAddress

 The problem was related to the Domain-wide delegation, I added this to the API Scope:,,,,,,,,,,,, 

After that, the Endpoint was created with success.

Migration from google g suite to office 365 - Error: MigrationPermanentException: The call to returned with status code Unauthorized: - Microsoft Q&A

segunda-feira, abril 04, 2022

Remote Gateway - ID Event 304

 I have configured a Remote Gateway (Just for test, all RDS roles in the same server) but I was unable to connect to the server, when I checked the logs (Location: Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Gateway/Operational) I found this:

The user "MAYKONRDS\maykonadmin", on client computer "9x.2x.9x.7x", met connection authorization policy and resource authorization policy requirements, but could not connect to resource "". Connection protocol used: "HTTP". The following error occurred: "23005".


Just configure your Internal DNS (you can use the hosts file as well) and point the address (in my case) to your Remote Gateway, I added on my hosts file, and works:

sábado, março 12, 2022

Azure Web app - VNet Configuration

You can configure integration between a web app and your virtual network, with this feature you can allow for example a connection to your SQL Server running on a virtual machine.


More details you can find here.

The integration required a dedicate subnet.

These are the steps to make a virtual network integration:

- In your web app click search for Network and click on VNet-Integration:


- +Add Vnets, select your subscription and the virtual network and OK:


It is done! Now your web app can access your resources inside your virtual network!