Azure Front Door provides enhanced performance, security, and global load balancing. In this setup, Content Management (CM) and Sitecore Identity (SI) services sit behind Azure Front Door, ensuring secure authentication and optimized traffic routing.
Below the steps to configure a custom domain, with Azure Front Door.
Custom Domain CM:
Custom Domain Identity:
Sitecore Configuration:
File: Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.IdentityServer.config
Location: /wwwroot/App_Config/Sitecore/Owin.Authentication.IdentityServer/Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.IdentityServer.config
Add this line (Adjust based on your domain):
<setting name="FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.CallbackAuthority" value="" />
Add this (your SI domain, which should be configured in Azure Front Door). In my case, I have a custom domain name:
<sc.variable name="identityServerAuthority" value="" />
Location: /wwwroot/Config/production/Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml
Configure Password recovery:
Add the Cors:
File: identityServer.xml
Location: Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityServer/Config/identityServer.xml
Azure Front Door:
Remove the Origin host header from your origin group ( CM origin ):
In the Web App CM, add the custom domain.
Add the custom domain name at the Web App level; this is required for the Web App to respond to requests.