sábado, fevereiro 28, 2015


dnscmd is a tool for configure and management DNS Server, was introduced with Windows 2008 Server.
In this post my DNS Server is server1.
Get info aboout the server.
dnscmd /info

If you want view all zones on a DNS server called server1, execute the
following command:
dnscmd server1 /enumzones

You can create a record with dnscmd, the fallowing command create a record type A name maykon at contoso.com zone:
dnscmd server1 /recordadd contoso.com maykon A

To add an Active Directory-integrated primary zone called contoso.com on
server1, execute the following command:
dnscmd server1m /zoneadd contoso.com /dsprimary

To create a secondary zone called test.com on server1, the IP address is where the primary zone is running:
dnscmd server1 /zoneadd test.com /secondary

If you wanna delete a zone called test.com perform the fallowing command:
dnscmd server1 /zonedelete test.com

* In future version of Windows, Microsoft might remove dnscmd.exe, Microsfot recommends PowerShell to management DNS Server.

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