terça-feira, outubro 13, 2020

Log Analytics - API Access using PostMan

 In Azure AAD – App Registrations - Add a new Registration:


Give a name for your App:

Register, After that the App will be created:

Take note of the Application ID.

Go to API Permissions – Add a Permission - APIs my organization use look for “Log Analytics API” and select:

 Select Application Permissions, Select Data.Read and Add Permissions


Grant admin consent for directory:

Create a secret and copy the value

 Access Control:

Go to your Log Analytics workspace and add a Role assignment (Log Analytics Reader – and look for the Application name ):


To access the Log Analytics API I use PostMan but you can use other tools, like PowerShell, Curl etc.

Download the Post Man:


In the PostMan create a Collection, in my example the name of colletion is “Noob”

The HTTP Method is POST:

The address is:


Where XXXXXXXXXXXX is my Azure Active Directory ID

You can check your Azure Id in the App Registration ( Directory Tenant ID ):








Send and copy the access token :

You need to copy the value of the access token.

Create a new query in PostMan. The HTTP method is POST, where:


Where AAAAAAA is my Log Analytics ID.

For check the ID go to Log Analytics and check the ID:


In the Authorization select “Bearer Token” and paste token that you got when you connect to API using Postman.

 Go to the Body:
And type this query (It is an example):
   "query": "Perf | where CounterName == 'Available MBytes' | summarize avg(CounterValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)",
        "timespan": "PT12H"

Select raw and JSON:

Send, then you will get the results:

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